H 910 X W 1160 W X D 395 mm
American black cherry top and poplar frame. Poplar dyed and lacquered: cherry clear lacquered.
Every once in a while a furniture designer and maker chances upon an exciting find as they sort through piles of wood at the timber yard selecting boards for a project. The inspiration for this piece came from just such a find. Some years ago when I lived in Texas I was picking out American black cherry boards for a fairly standard cabinet or table project, and buried in the pile were two exceptionally wide, twisted, cupped and bowed pieces. It was apparent that the colour was dark and rich, and the grain was gnarled, swirling and striking. I didn't need these pieces of wood but bought them anyway thinking that at some point in the future I'd find a use for them.
Nearly ten years passed between the purchase and the design and construction of this table, and the wood travelled with me as I moved around from Texas back to Great Britain to near Oxford and then Leeds. Sometimes a piece of wood is so striking that you have to design a piece of furniture around it, and this is the case here. The design is a marriage in which an almost 'unwoody' sculptural dark grey leg-set incorporating long sweeping curves with sharp geometrically angular faceted shoulders contrasts strikingly with the rich erratically tan coloured highly figured cherry. The result is a dramatic statement piece to grace an entry way, hall, living room, landing, business or reception area, drawing room, etc.
Consider placing this piece beneath a large mirror or cherished painting with down-lights above casting a soft dispersed warm glow to bring out the tans, reds and browns in the table top. Add a single glass, ceramic or wooden bowl filled with dried flowers placed near one end, and flank the table with a slightly mis-matched pair of decorative chairs, sculptures or wooden cabinets, possibly display cabinets.